Through a simple spin, Refresh Fans make a big difference to your facilities. Our fans create a breeze that reduces perceived temperatures significantly and create an optimum environment for occupants and energy savings.

HVLS Fan Cooling
Why choose Refresh Fans? See our compelling reasons below.
Problems consistent with facilities
❏ Large facilities are too expensive to install A/C
❏ Employees are extremely uncomfortable
❏ Productivity can decrease drastically
❏ Condensation and rust create safety issues and equipment problems

In non-conditioned facilities, every degree of increase in temperature over 90°F causes a comparable drop in employee productivity. For domesticated animals or harvested products, the effect is even more drastic. In conditioned spaces, you can use our fans to offset your thermostat. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, each degree F of thermostat offset saves 3% to 6% of cooling energy. Reach out to us and find out how we have helped companies save energy and money with a simple initiative, at a minimal cost.

Solution = HVLS Fans
❏ Change the perceived temperature to be 10-15°F cooler
❏ Increasing Air Movement to only 120 fpm can dramatically improve productivity
❏ Creates and evaporative cooling effect to eliminate condensation
❏ Save money immediately on A/C costs by turning up your thermostat

Your employees and equipment work hard.
It’s time for Refresh Fans to come to the rescue with our EQ series fans.